Sunday, April 22, 2012

Coupe Glasses

The oh-so-sexy coupe glass for champagne has made a serious comeback since it's heyday in the sixties. They are famed to have been modeled after Marie Antoinette's breasts so courtiers could drink to her health from them.

Although that history has been debunked, they're still the new "it thing" in cocktails, pictured here are our Iittala Coupe Glasses. Holding about 4-5 ouces each, they're the perfect solution for serving up extra boozy drinks like martinis that you might not want to serve in a traditional martini glass (which hold and average of 12 ouces each!). You can look stylish and have a few drinks without regretting it the next morning!

Sunday April 29th we're holding a Beer Bridal Brunch, come check out  Iittala's coupe glasses for yourself, and bring your hubby to be to look at some beer glasses too!